KWOC | Kharagpur Winter Of Code Project Report.

Dolly Jain
3 min readJan 4, 2021
KWOC organized by KOSS for the Open Source Enthusiasts

# Contributing to the major projects:

The major projects that I worked upon in KWoC are Newspaper App, Tinder Website For Dogs and DS Algo Solutions.


Project Link: Rohan-cod/newspaper-app

Mentor: Rohan Gupta

Project Description: A web app made using Django framework. The frontend is made using HTML and Bootstrap and Sqlite 3 is used as the database. We can add articles which can be viewed by anyone. Just create an account and we are good to go.


After exploring the project, I wanted to try a simple issue: #27

First Pull Request: Added a user profile page with details about user like the profile pic, name, e-mail, etc. using HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. After inserting a new feature, I submitted a PR #40.

Issue: #27

PR for this issue: #40


Project Link: Ayush7-BIT/Tinder_Website_for_dogs

Mentor: Ayush Pandey

Project Description: In this project, tinder website was designed to find dog love using CSS Framework and Bootstrap purely.


Second Pull Request: I have worked on fixing footer spacing and padding for better UI, issue #7

Issue: #7 and Pull Request for this issue was #17

Dynamic Footer was designed and fixed for the website

In the Tinder Website for Dogs, I have also raised an issue for designing the favicon for the website. Both the pull requests were merged together under one PR #17.


Project Link: adityabisoi/ds-algo-solutions

Mentor: Aditya Bisoi

Project Description: Under this project, there was a collection of solutions for HackerRank data structures and algorithm problems in Python, JAVA, and CPP. This community-owned project aimed to bring together the solutions for the DS & Algo problems across various platforms, along with the resources for learning them.


Third Pull Request: I have implemented QHeap in Java using priority queue because priority queue is built on min-heap.

Issue: #125

PR for this issue: #398


Project Link: adityabisoi/ds-algo-solutions

Mentor: Aditya Bisoi

Project Description: Under this project, there was a collection of solutions for HackerRank data structures and algorithm problems in Python, JAVA, and CPP. This community-owned project aimed to bring together the solutions for the DS & Algo problems across various platforms, along with the resources for learning them.


Fourth Pull Request: I have implemented Luck Balance algorithm using Java.

Issue: #246

PR for this issue: #557

Conclusion of my work:

In total, I have raised four PR’s in three different projects and learnt quite a lot from each contribution.

I want to thank all the mentors for their guidance in the projects. It was a great learning experience for me . I want to thank KOSS, IIT KGP for conducting this beginner friendly program . This program helped me to learn what open source projects are and how to contribute to them.

— Dolly Jain



Dolly Jain

I’m an undergrad, pursuing Computer Science and Engineering with a keen interest in Web Development and an Open Source enthusiast.